Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)First, let me say that for the resources and cooking tips alone this book was worth the buy. Plus, it's a nice looking book. Tantalizing photos, glossy pages - a sharp presentation.
That said, the title is SHAMEFULLY inappropriate. As well as dangerously misleading if you have hungry people on your hands and/or somewhere to be (and to think the title was the sole reason I bought the book - "quick & easy" cooking). This book is NOT about quick meals. It's about wholesome, vegetarian (well, vegan really) cooking for the family. That sounds good, right? So why the ruse?
One example, of many, is the "Earth Burger" recipe where the "Preparation Time" is printed as "10 minutes." Quick & easy? I'd love to see someone mince & saute both onion & garlic, chop parsley, grate carrots, cook rice, mix in another six ingredients, and then blend everything together in a food processor in just 10 minutes. I really would. Not to mention the shaping/preparing/cooking of the patties, preparation of bread/condiments, etc. The cooking instructions do, however, offer this precious tip: "QUICKLY BLEND all ingredients".
Press that button harder, sucka!
10 minutes? I'm lucky if that burger is hitting my mouth two hours after I started cooking. 30 minutes for "Tofu-chiladas"?! Try 3 hours.
"Who is Vimala Rodgers?", the author's bio asks. Isn't it obvious - she's the FLASH of course. Inadvertent exposure to gamma rays gave her superhuman veggie chopping/sautéing/cooking powers!
My advice: ordinary humans should plan to triple or quadruple the printed cooking times. If you want "quick & easy," look elsewhere. And as far as the recipes go, there are but a few winners in an otherwise tepid corps. What a surprise, however, was the wealth of general information on vegan eating/cooking. It made an interesting read and I still keep this book on hand for reference.
"Who is Vimala Rodgers?" indeed. That should be the title of this book. The first chapter opens with the author QUOTING HERSELF (the introduction opened with a quote from Hippocrates - that's one hell of a transition), the recipes are named after the author's kids, and the cooking instructions are filled with anecdotes from the author's family life. It's a baffling ego-trip for someone who is a no-name in the cooking world. But then, that's what makes this book different from most: personality.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Vegetarian Meals For People On-The-Go : 101 Quick & Easy Recipes
Designed for busy people who have little time to spend in the kitchen, these vegetarian recipes are delicious, versatile, and above all, quick and easy to prepare. This book is Vimala Rodgers' personal invitation to you to produce outstanding meals that will please the palate. She has been relentless in her quest to create healthy and delicious vegetarian meals.
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