Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I believe firmly that going "Organic" is the healthest way to go, in this diseased, toxic, and poisoned world. Uncle Harry's Tooth Whitner, is indeed a wonderful product, besides it works pretty well and if you are looking for best results, please note carefully that what you eat and drink indeed are responsible for the stains on the teeth. "Dentures are costly and no more satisfactory than wooden legs; better keep your own teeth. Toothpastes soften the gums and subject the teeth to pyorrhea; Powder is preferable." While you are seriously considering buying this product, PLEASE consider a better way in Redefining your whole body by eating and drinking all the healthy stuff (Fruits, Vegetables, etc. eliminating Sodas, Coffee, Sweets, Smoking too, that are responsible for the stains on the teeth) Ask the Great Physician for help in achieving the BEST results. Use Uncle Harrys Tooth Powder as well as Tooth whitener. As for me I have been recommending it too some of my clients.
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