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(More customer reviews)I got this book about three weeks ago, right after it came out. At the time I was considering doing one of my semi-annual juice fasts, but kind of wary because, while that used to take off a good 6 pounds or so every time, the last couple of times I did it I didn't lose anything. Depressing! The book I use for my regular juice fasting is Dr. Paavo Airola's book "How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young with Juice Fasting" which is out of print, but you can get them used online. So after skimming through the Juice Lady's book I thought it would make a good transition diet for after the juice fast. Sure enough, after a week on the juice fast I had lost 8 pounds. Then I transitioned into Cherie's diet. That way, instead of feeling like I was giving up all the foods I loved, I felt like "Oh goody! I get to eat a real apple!" =] I have tried several of her juice recipes and they were yummy. However soaked buckwheat groats...well it ended up in the trash. Won't be doing that one again! After one week transitioning, I have not gained back a single pound (which really means I've lost some, because after a week of juice fasting there is nothing in your intestines and when you start eating again it fills up again, of course.) I am not craving sugar, salt or anything but fruits and vegetables (living foods). I went to the grocery store yesterday, looked at all that nasty processed food and couldn't make myself buy it. Did spend a lot of time in the produce department, though. =] I am not following her diet strictly, so don't know about the losing 10 pounds thing, but I am liking what I am doing right now, and will continue juicing at least once a day. I am juicing fruit, which she does not do if you are strictly on the diet.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Juice Lady's Turbo Diet: Lose ten pounds in ten days-the healthy way
In this book, you'll discover not only the principles behind juicing, but the recipes to help you serve up freshly made juices and delicious raw foods as part of a lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off for good. There are five main reasons why the Turbo Diet works so well:
It supplies anabundance of nutrients that satisfy the body. Cravings often diminish andvitality soars! Live foods and juicesdetoxify the body. Toxins can actually cause us to gain weight. It's true.And they can make it very difficult to lose weight. Fresh veggie juice andraw foods alkalinize the body. Actually, the body stores acids in fatcells to protect delicate tissues and organs making it tough to get rid ofthis stuff. But listen up—the body will actually make fat to store acidswhen it runs out of storage space. The Turbo Diet isenergizing. Fatigue vanishes; and our work-outs get easier.
If you're countingcalories, this program is low in those little energy units, devoid of badcarbs, and high on life-giving nutrition.
The Juice Lady's Turbo Diet serves up freshly made juices and delicious raw foods recipes as part of a lifestyle to lose weight and keep if off for good! This plan works so well because it feeds the body an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients. You can use everything! The body doesn't need to shuttle off harmful acids or toxic additives into fat cells. So voila! You're losing weight while hardly trying.
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