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(More customer reviews)As an ER nurse, I see more heart attacks than I would prefer. Thought the "French Paradox" was interesting, but I was skeptical. Turns out, the more research I do, the more credible it appears. This book had a page or two about muscadine wine. I was glad to see this as "The Red Wine Diet" did not. I give "The Longevity Factor" five stars for mentioning this. The other book was all about French red wines and did not speak one word of muscadine wine even though every source I can find suggest it is a far greater source of resveratrol. Muscadine wine is very popular in the Southeast, but not elswhere as the grapes will not grow in other regions. Muscadine was used for 8,000 years by native americans. Wines were made in the early 1500's in the New World as explorers found this grapes growing wild all over the coastal areas of the Southeast. Turns out, muscadine grapes have far more health benefits than traditional red wines. I have read anywhere from 10X to 40X the amount of resveratrol compared to traditional red wines. Bowman Gray School of Medicine (Wake Forest) did a study this past year on Natures Pearl, a muscadine seed supplement, and results should be out any time now. What I have seen so far looks very promising. A cardiology professor led the study and it is to be printed any time now for the public. Duplin Winery located in Rose Hill, North Carolina, the largest muscadine winery, sells a similar/same product Nutragrape. They have great wines and a very informative website as well. Harvard School of Medicine showed the anti-oxidants in muscadine wine increased mice life expectancy 30%, even with high fat diets. Reductions in LDH (bad cholesterol) and increases in HDL (good cholesterol) were significant. An independent lab in Wareham, Mass, Biotech, said that the muscadine seed had more resveratol in it than anything they had ever tested. I have contacted researchers from Miss State, Florida Univ, and other state level organizations and all my info says the same thing. Muscadine wine/grapes are far superior to all other red wines in regards to health benefits. It is perplexing to me. Why is so little said about this on a national level? Why do most the books and articles speak only of red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, etc..? Two thoughts on the subject. One, muscadine grapes only grow in the Southeast of the US and are just a well kept secret to the rest of the world. Two, the market for French, California, Argentina, Austalian, wines is so great, and is experiencing a surge as people start drinking red wine for health reasons, that it would hurt the sales of these wines if people found out that $7-15/bottle muscadine wine was more healthy. I am appreciative that the author of this book included the information on muscadine wine. Few books I have read to date included it. Perhaps this is a case of "sweet wines" not being given any credibility. Perhaps they just don't cost enough. Not sure. But I do know that there is no way I will be drinking the firm tannin, astringent, and expensive french red wines after the information I have discovered recently. I will be taking a Natures Pearl or Nutragrape supplement in the morning, putting a little muscadine jelly on my toast, and having a wonderful glass of sweet southern made muscadine wine with my evening meal. I encourage anyone to research this area further. I suspect you, like me, will be surprised at what you find out. As a sidenote, Smith-Glaxo-Kline (huge pharmaceutical corporation) recently payed 3/4 of a BILLION dollars for a study on resveratrol. I suspect the "Fountain of Youth" pill will be coming out in the next 5 years or so. Do some reading, dig a little beneath the surface and get past the hype of French red wines. Google "muscadine health" for starters.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Longevity Factor: How Resveratrol and Red Wine Activate Genes for a Longer and Healthier Life
A groundbreaking examination of new scientific research that holds the secret to weight loss, increased strength, endurance, memory, and a healthier, longer life In The Longevity Factor, noted neuroscientist and surgeon Joseph Maroon, M.D., offers the definitive look at recent scientific breakthroughs identifying a group of natural substances -- including the much-publicized molecule resveratrol -- that can actually activate a specific set of genes in humans that promote a longer, healthier life. These substances, which make red wine, dark chocolate, and green tea good for us, appear to stave off a wide array of age-related diseases and keep us feeling young and vital. Resveratrol is the centerpiece of headline-making research being conducted at the Harvard Medical School and elsewhere. Only recently, however, have scientists discovered how to isolate resveratrol and concentrate it into an affordable and safe supplement. Already, more than 200 supplements featuring resveratrol have flooded the market, and there are countless more on the way. But which ones work best? What is a consumer to look for on the label? Since resveratrol is a natural substance, can you get enough of it through diet alone, or should you combine diet with a supplement? And what lies on the horizon from the pharmaceutical industry? All those questions and many more are answered in this immensely informative and practical book. Joseph Maroon offers the first-ever inside look at the amazing research that has led to the discovery of resveratrol and similar substances with the miraculous ability to activate our own longevity genes. He also offers his own diet plan and sound, reader-friendly advice for living a longer, healthier, and more balanced life with or without supplements. The Longevity Factor promises to be the authoritative source for everyone who wants to know more about how we can shift from the current paradigm of aging to a disease-free golden age of health, longevity, and fitness.
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