Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)"Your body has the ability to heal itself if you just give it a chance. Using food as medicine gives [you] the greatest chance of all to heal....What you eat can either prevent cancer and other chronic illnesses or help cause them....My number one recommendation is to eat a rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables every day." Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
FOOD AS MEDICINE is a must-read for all, particularly those who dislike fruits and/or vegetables but want to be healthy and prevent diseases because the doctor explains clearly and succinctly what each food can do for your body. He also has a chapter about each common illness and what he recommends eating to overcome the illness. He reminds us that by cutting down on total calories consumed while eating nutritionally dense food, we can increase our life span by as much as thirty percent.
Dr. Khalsa writes a chapter about each of his seven principles of yoga nutritional therapy to help you restore balance to your body, mind and soul. They are:
1 Detoxify your body. (If fasting isn't for you, you can take two 450 mg aloe vera tablets at night or go on a monodiet.)
2 Go organic. ("The switch to organic food is vital if we are to save our environment.")
3 Limit or eliminate genetically engineered foods. (Examples include: aspartame, canola, corn, cotton, crook-necked yellow squash, dairy products, papaya, potatoes, soybeans, and tomatoes.)
4 Eat clean protein. (Buffalo, rabbit, ostrich, and venison are some non-traditional sources. I personally enjoy the latter very much. Choose chicken and fish--preferably wild salmon or other oily fish. Shark, swordfish and tuna also have potential problems with contamination--mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium and arsenic. Also soy protein and definitely beans and legumes are great--they have almost no fat and are rich in fiber and good carbohydrates.)
5 Discover juicing and supplements. (I don't do this one because there is more fiber in the fruit than the juice and that is good if you want to avoid getting type 2 diabetes down the road.)
6 Cook consciously and eat mindfully. (Chew slowly, savor your food, sit down and relax and "remember that everything we eat comes from God, as do our health and healing.")
7 Make the transition to the yoga nutritional therapy diet. ("By following a plant-based diet, you will find that you have improved focus and higher productivity in your daily life.")
My favorite part is the valuable information about each food (chapter 5) as well as the anti-aging in chapter 18. I've eaten blueberries every day since I've read this book because "blueberrries contain the highest antioxidant capability...comes from a class of flavonoids called anthocyanins...blueberries protect against brain aging, heart disease and cancer. The most astounding aspect of research on blueberries has been in the area of brain longevity."
Soar into healthy eating! Just adding one fruit or vegetable a day is a good habit to start. Do it!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Food As Medicine: How to Use Diet, Vitamins, Juices, and Herbs for a Healthier, Happier, and Longer Life
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