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(More customer reviews)Oz talks sense. From the first chaper, I was hooked. She suggested making a minor change for the first week. I cut back on one soft drink per day - from 3 down to 2. That was quite painless. I also took her starter tips - drink water before meals and don't eat closer than 2 hours before bedtime. Again, those were minor and didn't crimp my style.
This is not really a diet book though it deals with diet (as in what you eat). It's really about living well and making mostly good choices but not going overboard (and ultimately failing).
Oz is a vegetarian, but she said that red meat was fine in moderation. Go for only twice per week on that she suggested. I love beef, but I also like chicken and fish and can tweak that part of my meal plan. Chips are junk food, but a bowl isn't a huge deal. Just don't grab the bag and keep munching. If you have an urge for chocolate, melt some semi-sweet chocolate and dip fruits like strawberries in the chocolate. It really does satisfy that chocolate craving with smaller amounts of chocolate.
That's typical of her advice and things that I can handle and maintain.
She also talks about exercise and about supplements (meant to supplement and not take the place of good food). She's reasonable with her ideas here as well. I added some extra work out time (even jogging 5 minutes while watching TV adds up if you do it pretty often) and bought a basic vitamin plus B, C and E (all heartily approved by my doc).
Oz lost 10 pounds her first semester. This is not a crash course. She's down 30 lbs now (over 2 years I think) - just slowly and surely. And, she's maintained rather than yo-yo'ing.
I think most people (college or not) would benefit from reading this book and trying out Oz's common sense plan. Older readers might need a little less food overall and might not opt to go out and have a snowball fight to burn calories, but the basics are here for a good lifestyle plan that isn't painful and does work.
This would be a great book for anyone (females more so) headed off to college or in college. Oz has dealt with being overweight. She did a lot of research and put a workable plan into action. I think most readers will love her style and also will be able to use her ideas and stay slimmer and healthier.
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