Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)From the novice vinter to a more experienced hand, this book is one of the better ones I have seen. At the start, the author describes and explains the homewine-making process, the equiptment necessary, the "lingo", and gives a desent time-line for completion. The recipies are usually simple and are for one-gallon batches. Some are a little weird, but it does say "unusual" in the title. A definate recommendation for anyone who is avidly homebrewing wine or mead.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Making Wild Wines & Meads: 125 Unusual Recipes Using Herbs, Fruits, Flowers & More
Make Extraordinary Homemade Wines from Everything but Grapes! Exotic wines, honey meads, spicy metheglins, and fruity melomels-there's no end to the great-tasting elixirs you can make using ingredients from your local market and even your own backyard! You'll find easy, step-by-step winemaking instructions plus memorable recipes, including: Apricot Wine, Dry Mead, Marigold Wine, Almond Wine, Cherry Melomel, Cranberry Claret, Pea Pod Wine, Lemon-Thyme Metleglin, Strawberry Wine, and Rose Hip Melomel
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