Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I have been drinking NingXia Red Wolfberry Juice for two years now.. I can not explain what it does HOWEVER, I can tell you that if you don't drink it for a while, you absolutely feel different. You get the sensation of "missing something" if that makes any sense. I know I feel more energetic, but not jittery in any way when I drink it and it is a wonderful appetite suppressant for me. I can state that while staying on NingXia Red, it is the first time for two years straight now, I have not had a cold, the flu or any other virus's. I used to catch cold at the first cold wind, so I do think NingXia Red has a lot to do with it.. It just gives you a general over all feeling of well being and I highly recommend it. It is a bit pricey, I am not sure it's ingredients warrant the cost, but in having tried similar products from the likes of Trader Joe's and GNC, this by far out rates any other product I have tried.
Click Here to see more reviews about: NingXia Red Wolfberry Juice by Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor- 34oz.
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